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He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Psalm 147:3


You feel lost after the infidelity and you just want to love yourself again.  But you don't even know where to begin.

I want to walk with you on your journey to creating profound self love after your husband's infidelity.  And that's why I have created a place to share all the work I did to take my life back after the affairs! You don't have to go searching for it! Be brave enough to believe that your suffering will be redeemed!

JOY Bound is the answer to the pain you've been trying to get out of— a monthly program that walks you through the journey of learning to love yourself again and find peace and JOY after the betrayal.

This is the community you didn't know you needed.  

Your JOY Journey starts here.


It’s Time To Love Yourself Again

With a community of support and customized coaching, you've found a safe place to heal your heartbreak and love yourself again.

JOY Bound

JOY Bound is a mentorship designed for Christian women who are looking for a safe community to heal their wounds of infidelity, deepen their faith, create radical JOY in their life, and rewrite their hero’s journey.

Individualized Support

Get coached by me or watch your peers get coached (which is equally as powerful!) these calls will inspire you, empower you, and give you so many breakthroughs!

On Demand Material

Get instant access to a library of teachings. 

A Tool To Transfom Your Life

Get a copy of the JOY Creator Journal.  This will be the tool to help the healing process move forward. 

A Community of Women Just Like You

You will have access to a community where you can get peer coaching and support from women who know your pain intimately. 

Bonus courses & workshops

Get INSTANT ACCESS to other courses I’ve created plus access to all FUTURE paid workshops

Start Here Guide 

We are committed to helping you get the results you came for. In the Start Here guide, you will learn how to get the most out of the program!


What does it mean to live JOY BOUND?


JOY Bound was born from my two favorite scriptures.

  • Psalm 30:5 Weeping may last for a night, but JOY comes in the morning.
  • Psalm 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

To be JOY Bound is to be on a journey of finding and creating profound self love and JOY in spite of the pain of infidelity.  It's our scars being bound up with JOY.  It's a life binded with JOY.

I want to live Joy Bound!

Hi, I'm Monica and I’ve walked in your shoes!   

My Infidelity story began nearly 20 years ago and it’s a story of pain and redemption, deep heartbreak and JOY.  

I spent 10 years learning to create JOY after betrayal.  To write the story I wanted to write.  Becoming the person I knew God had called me to be.  

I know the pain of infidelity intimately, just like you.  I know how hard it is somedays to just put one foot in front of the other.  

 I’ve been invited to the same exclusive club you now find yourself a member of.  And I remember how lonely it was.  

I call myself the JOY Creator Coach because I spend my days teaching women just like you how to create JOY again.  How to create JOY in spite of the pain.  Because of the pain.  

It is possible for you to become the HERO of your infidelity story.  I’ll help you rediscover JOY without the painful memories.  

The Experience of Coaching...


"I can't remember the last time someone asked me how I was feeling.  So when I had to think about it, it hit me hard, how heavy I feel.

I felt so much lighter after our session.  Might sound weird to some, but in one session you've already helped me so much."  


"I have 2 years under my belt since I found out my husband of 32 years cheated with 3 women within a 3 year time frame.  It ripped my heart out of course.  You have helped me see trauma in a new light.  You have been helping me focus on all the good that comes after you walk through the fire. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Start your JOY Journey


This is for you if..

  • You are a Christian woman who knows the pain of infidelity and betrayal

  • You've wondered what you could have done differently to prevent the infidelity

  • You long for a place to feel seen and heard and share your secret with others who know the pain too

  • You want to stop feeling so alone in this journey

  • You need a place to get coaching if you so choose

  • You want a place where you can hide behind the scenes if that's what your heart needs

  • You want peace after the affair

  • You desire to step out of the pain and love yourself again

  • You know that you want a JOY Filled life after the affair


Choose your membership option!

There is no other program like this out there for women who want to heal their heartbreak.  We wanted to create a community that everyone can afford. 

Yearly Offer

$470/ year

Get 2 months FREE - save $94. The best value option!

  • Instant access to JOY Bound
  • New content each month
  • JOY Creator Journal mailed to you
  • Live weekly coaching 
  • Access to our VIP community after 6 months in the program

Monthly Offer


The most flexible plan.

  • Instant access to JOY Bound
  • New content each month
  • Printable JOY Creator Journal
  • Live weekly coaching 
  • Access to our VIP community after 6 months in the program

Take the First Step Towards Healing and Joy:

Are you ready to embark on the hero's journey—a journey of healing, empowerment, and rediscovery? Take the first step towards reclaiming your joy and transforming your life. Choose the membership option that best fits your needs and join us on this transformative journey of healing and renewal.

Invest in yourself. Reclaim your JOY. Rediscover your true self.


Frequently Asked Questions